Direktlänk till inlägg 5 november 2008

The Big Day

Av Kottarna - 5 november 2008 16:58

Här är den "korta" Engelska berättelsen.

She’s trapped. It’s cold and dark and she’s trapped. Unknown man took her away from her family and locked her up in a small space. She screams from the top of her lungs to Please let her out, she wants home. Her cries are ignored, they don’t want to listen, they don’t care.

The darkness that surround her unable her to see a way out. She tries to feel her way to an exit, a small window, a hole, anything. But nothing. There is no way out. Panic slowly takes place in her heart. She’s afraid. What if she can never get out? What if? No. She tries to beat those horrible thoughts away but they’re getting closer and closer. What if something has happened to her family? Without them she’s nothing, without them she might as well be dead. No. They cannot be dead, not harmed, not even scared. She gathers all her fears and anger and give out a load scream. She waits. No reaction, nothing. Wait. Someone’s coming. He turn on the light, it burns her dark eyes. She stand pressed against the walls in one corner, frighten of what might happen next. The man takes a quick look around and decides to leave again. He forgets to turn of the light.

There in the sealing is a window with bars, but how will she reach? It’s so far up and she has nothing to stand on. She starts to jump. She jumps and jumps and jumps. It feels so close yet she’s nowhere near reaching. She keeps jumping until her whole body is aching. She’s so tired, she’s giving up.

Her family. She’s close to fainting and in her mind she can hear them calling for her. She wakes up thinking: "I’ll die before I give up." She take place with her back pressed against one of the walls, runs as fast as she can and jump. A high jump. She can reach the bars. But it’s slippery. She looses her grip and fall to the floor with her back down.

Darkness. Complete darkness. She can see her life from day one until the day she got taken away from her family. She can see herself running around and playing with her brothers and sisters. She can see her favourite food, toy, her mother getting sick and passing away. She sees her first home, the day she met him and the day she gave birth to her beautiful triplets. They both wanted a big family and had agreed to try again as soon as the triplets got a bit older. She remembers how scared she was when she first got pregnant and that, in the end, she was so fat she could barely move. They didn’t realize they needed a bigger home until the triplets were born. Like raising three babies wasn’t stressful enough, they had to move in the middle of everything. The day she got trapped. He came from nowhere. She got so scared she fainted and woke up in this cold and dark place.

Her whole life has passed by. Is she dead? Deep breath. She’s still alive. She’s waking up. Still trapped. Back is so painful. But the triplets are still out there without their mother. "Anything. I would do anything to see them one more time. I need to know they’re ok." But how? She’s hurt, cold, small and weak. Why did they take her? She had nothing that would be of value to anyone else. She barely had food to last these cold winter days.

What’s that smell? So many things mixed together. The smell is strong, nut not bad. It smells like food. All kinds of different food; fish, ham, potatoes, cucumber. Hunger sets in. Whoever is keeping her trapped seems to be having some kind of feast. How she would love to be with her family having a feast of their own. She prays to higher powers that the triplet’s father is home by now. He was out trying to get some last minute supper. The triplets were asleep and she was out in the yard cleaning for the big day. The big day. Maybe it has already passed. She starts to cry. She had been looking forward to this day for so long. Planning, cleaning and decorating. The first Christmas as a family.

She’s getting weaker and weaker by the second and slowly realizes that if there is any chance of her getting out it’s now. She runs and jumps one more time and she gets a steady grip of the bars. She’s thin, but not thin enough to get through the bars. She tries to open the window, pushing it with all the strength that is left in her body. It’s slightly open. She makes a quick move before it shuts again, and she’s out. Almost. She’s stuck and the pain is unbearable. She’s bleeding. "This cannot be happening. Please let me go, please. I need to be with my babies and they need me. Please give me strength." She closes her eyes and localizes exactly where she is trapped. She takes a deep breath, opens her mouth and-

She tries not to think of the pain as she’s sneaking across the floor, limping and bleeding heavily. Thank God the big door is open.
The cold snow numbs the pain. Not much but enough to make her feel strong enough to run. She’s never been here before so she has to trust that her instincts are leading her in the right direction. She’s running, not only to get home, but to get away from those who trapped her. If they found out, if they started to chase her, she wouldn’t stand a chance. She would be dead.

She’s running through the forest. The trees are dark, huge and scary. But not as scary as those who trapped her. What kind of evil beast would do something like that? Who can take a mother away from her children and shortly after throw a feast? Wait. She stops. She’s been out of breath for a while but that’s not why she stopped, she’s starting to recognize the trees. Home is not that far away. For a second she forgets all about the pain and the fact that she’s about to bleed out and she starts to run again.

She made it. She’s home again. She calls for her triplets and their father with joy in her voice; "I’m home! I’m home!" The joy fades. No one is answering, no one is home. She falls to the ground assuming that whoever took her also took or maybe killed her babies. Her eyes close. Her heartbeat is slowing down. Slower. Slower. Slower. Gone. She’s gone.
It starts to snow and it keeps snowing until her lifeless body is covered in snow. Everything is covered except for her small nose.

Hours pass and in a far distance someone’s calling for her. The calls are getting closer. Then it stops. It’s her family. They’ve been out looking for her all night. They run to her, dig her out and bring her inside. Their home is clean and decorated. It’s Christmas day.

Back in the cold and dark room a man walks up to the small space where he had kept her trapped and he sees blood on the floor. With a worried look he gets closer. He’s coming to get her but she isn’t there. But there is something trapped in the bars. He unhooks the lock and picks it up. Can it really be?
He walks back to the feast ashamed to tell his daughter she’s not getting the Christmas gift she wished for.

The Christmas gift is lying on the floor of her home, next to her crying family. She’s dead and her tail is missing.

Merry Christmas.

Ingen bild


6 november 2008 20:40

Bra twist på slutet där... jag trodde då inte att det var så det skulle sluta. ;)spännade!

    Kom ihåg mig



Av Kottarna - 5 april 2009 23:11

Okej. Jag ska verkligen säga adjö till den här bloggen. Jag vill nog bara försäkra mig om att jag sagt att jag vill säga, så att jag slipper bära på massa ilska framöver.   Kommer någon av er ihåg senaste gången jag grät inför någon av er?   Kommer ...

Av Kottarna - 26 mars 2009 20:57

Jag kan inte hålla mig längre.   Ni får gärna ha en egen blogg om ni vill, men den kanske ska ha en annan adress i så fall, och så bör den väl inte vara kopplad till MIN e-mailadress... :P   Jag röstar för att vi raderar den här bloggen. Jag blir b...

Av Kottarna - 26 mars 2009 19:57

Jag funderade dock häromdagen på att döpa om bloggen till något med systrar och byta lösenord så det bara är min och Lenas blogg - eftersom det bara är vi som skriver här! Försökte verkligen inte, trots att det lät som det, kasta ut någon. Men det kä...

Av Kottarna - 26 mars 2009 19:50

Det har blivit mycket svårare att skriva här efter allt som hänt, inte bara här utan allt i hela världen tänkte jag först, men i hela min värld. Alltså inte bara sånt som direkt hänt mig utan människor som är delaktiga i "min värld".   Idag är jag så...

Av Kottarna - 15 mars 2009 11:29

Känner mig fortfarande rätt nedslagen av allt som har hänt. Mitt liv har aldrig varit enkelt och jag har fått axla alldeles för mycket ansvar under min uppväxt. Jag kan inte skriva om allt här, vågar knappt nämna något faktiskt. Jag vet att jag är lå...


Fråga mig

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